iButton High-Temperature Logger with
8KB Data-Log Memory
Detailed Description
With its extended temperature range, the DS1922E is
well suited to monitor processes that require tempera-
tures well above the boiling point of water, such as pas-
teurization of food items. Note that the initial sealing level
of the DS1922E achieves the equivalent of IP56. Aging
and use conditions can degrade the integrity of the seal
over time, so for applications with significant exposure to
liquids, sprays, or other similar environments, it is recom-
mended to place the DS1922E in the DS9107 iButton
capsule. The DS9107 provides a watertight enclosure
that has been rated to IP68 (refer to Application Note
4126: Understanding the IP (Ingress Protection) Ratings
of iButton Data Loggers and Capsules). Software for
setup and data retrieval through the 1-Wire interface is
available for free download from the iButton device web-
site ( www.ibutton.com ). This software also includes dri-
vers for the serial and USB port of a PC and routines to
access the general-purpose memory for storing applica-
tion- or equipment-specific data files.
All iButton data loggers are calibrated/validated against
NIST traceable reference devices. Maxim offers a web
application to generate validation certificates for the
DS1922L, DS1922T, DS1922E, and DS1923 (tempera-
ture portion only) data loggers. Input is the device’s
ROM code (or list of codes) and the output is a valida-
tion certificate in PDF format. For more information,
refer to Application Note 4629: iButton Data-Logger
Calibration and NIST Certificate FAQs.
The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships
between the major control and memory sections of the
DS1922E. The device has five main data components:
64-bit lasered ROM; 256-bit scratchpad; 576-byte gen-
eral-purpose SRAM; two 256-bit register pages of time-
keeping, control, status, and counter registers, and
passwords; and 8192 bytes of data-logging memory.
Except for the ROM and the scratchpad, all other mem-
ory is arranged in a single linear address space. The
data-logging memory, counter registers, and several
other registers are read only for the user. Both register
pages are write protected while the device is pro-
grammed for a mission. The password registers, one for
a read password and another one for a read/write pass-
word, can only be written, never read.
Figure 2 shows the hierarchical structure of the 1-Wire
protocol. The bus master must first provide one of the
eight ROM function commands: Read ROM, Match
ROM, Search ROM, Conditional Search ROM, Skip
ROM, Overdrive-Skip ROM, Overdrive-Match ROM, or
Resume Command. Upon completion of an Overdrive
ROM command byte executed at standard speed, the
device enters Overdrive Mode, where all subsequent
communication occurs at a higher speed. The protocol
required for these ROM function commands is
described in Figure 11. After a ROM function command
is successfully executed, the memory and control func-
tions become accessible and the master can provide
any one of the eight available commands. The protocol
for these memory and control function commands is
described in Figure 9. All data is read and written
least significant bit first.
Parasite Power
The block diagram (Figure 1) shows the parasite-pow-
ered circuitry. This circuitry “steals” power whenever the
I/O input is high. I/O provides sufficient power as long as
the specified timing and voltage requirements are met.
The advantages of parasite power are two-fold: 1) By
parasiting off this input, battery power is not consumed
for 1-Wire ROM function commands, and 2) if the battery
is exhausted for any reason, the ROM can still be read
normally. The remaining circuitry of the DS1922E is sole-
ly operated by battery energy.
64-Bit Lasered ROM
Each DS1922E contains a unique ROM code that is 64
bits long. The first 8 bits are a 1-Wire family code. The
next 48 bits are a unique serial number. The last 8 bits
are a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of the first 56 bits
(see Figure 3 for details). The 1-Wire CRC is generated
using a polynomial generator consisting of a shift regis-
ter and XOR gates as shown in Figure 4. The polynomi-
al is X 8 + X 5 + X 4 + 1. Additional information about the
1-Wire CRC is available in Application Note 27:
Understanding and Using Cyclic Redundancy Checks
with Maxim iButton Products.
The shift register bits are initialized to 0. Then, starting
with the least significant bit of the family code, one bit
at a time is shifted in. After the 8th bit of the family code
has been entered, the serial number is entered. After
the last bit of the serial number has been entered, the
shift register contains the CRC value. Shifting in the 8
bits of CRC returns the shift register to all 0s.
Maxim Integrated
DS1922F-F5# 功能描述:iButton DS1922 RoHS:否 存储类型:SRAM 存储容量:512 B 组织: 工作电源电压:3 V to 5.25 V 接口类型:1-Wire 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 尺寸:17.35 mm x 5.89 mm 封装 / 箱体:F5 MicroCan 制造商:Maxim Integrated
DS1922L 制造商:MAXIM 制造商全称:Maxim Integrated Products 功能描述:Temperature Logger iButton with 8KB Data-Log Memory
DS1922L_11 制造商:MAXIM 制造商全称:Maxim Integrated Products 功能描述:Temperature Logger iButton with 8KB Data-Log Memory
DS1922L-F5 功能描述:iButton RoHS:否 存储类型:SRAM 存储容量:512 B 组织: 工作电源电压:3 V to 5.25 V 接口类型:1-Wire 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 尺寸:17.35 mm x 5.89 mm 封装 / 箱体:F5 MicroCan 制造商:Maxim Integrated
DS1922L-F5# 功能描述:iButton Temp Logger Ibutton w/8Kb Datalog Mem RoHS:否 存储类型:SRAM 存储容量:512 B 组织: 工作电源电压:3 V to 5.25 V 接口类型:1-Wire 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 尺寸:17.35 mm x 5.89 mm 封装 / 箱体:F5 MicroCan 制造商:Maxim Integrated
DS1922L-F5#A20 功能描述:iButton RoHS:否 存储类型:SRAM 存储容量:512 B 组织: 工作电源电压:3 V to 5.25 V 接口类型:1-Wire 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 尺寸:17.35 mm x 5.89 mm 封装 / 箱体:F5 MicroCan 制造商:Maxim Integrated
DS1922L-F5#A22 功能描述:iButton RoHS:否 存储类型:SRAM 存储容量:512 B 组织: 工作电源电压:3 V to 5.25 V 接口类型:1-Wire 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 尺寸:17.35 mm x 5.89 mm 封装 / 箱体:F5 MicroCan 制造商:Maxim Integrated